

To set the beamline energy to 20 keV:

$ energy set --energy 20

If the selected energy is not included in the pre-calibrated energy list, energy will interpolate all motor positions using the values of the closest calibrated energies.

To set the beamline for pink beam with 30keV cut off:

$ energy --mode Pink --energy 30

Add energy

To save the beamline motor positions and associate them to an energy to be used at a later time:

$ energy add --energy 28.32

The above will add 28.32 to the pre-calibrated energy list or, if already exists, update the beamline motor positions. To restore it:

$ energy set --energy 28.32

Add/Remove precalibrated energies

To associate the current beamline positions to new energy value or update and existing one:

$ energy add --energy 28.32

the newly added energy will be used as start/end of the intepolation interval

To remove an energy value from the list of calibrated energies:

$ energy delete --energy 28.32

To list of all available options:

$ energy -h
usage: energy [-h] [--config FILE] [--version]  ...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --config FILE  File name of configuration file
  --version      show program's version number and exit


    init         Usage: energy init - Create configuration file and restore the original preset energy calibration file
    set          Usage: energy set --energy 20 - Set the beamline to the --energy value using a precalibrated list or, if missing,
                 a linear interpolation point between the two closest calibrared values
    add          Usage: energy add --energy 20 - Associate the current beamline positions to --energy value
    delete       Usage: energy delete --energy 20 - Remove --energy value from the preset energy calibration file
    restore      Usage: energy restore - Restore original preset energy calibration file.
    status       Usage: energy status - Show status

to list of all energy set options:

$ energy set -h

Testing mode

In testing mode, the motor positions are printed but not actual motor motion occurs. To enable testing mode set:

$ energy set --testing

Configuration File

The energy status is stored in ~/logs/energy.conf. You can create a template with:

$ energy init

~/logs/energy.conf is constantly updated to keep track of the last stored parameters, as initalized by init or modified by setting a new option value. For example to set the beamline to the last energy configuration

$ energy set


The beamline x-ray energy change is managed by the energy cli python library.


The energy change operates in two modes. The first uses pre-stored energy calibration files. To select this mode select use “Pre-set”. Then you can select any available energy from the drop down list.

Once the desired energy is selected press the “Set” button to move the beamline to the pre-calibrated locations.

The second mode interpolate allows the enter an arbitrary energy value. In this case the new position for all the PVs listed in the Energy Move list will be calculated by interpolation between the two closest pre-calibrated positions. The PVs listed in the Energy Position list will not be used by the interpolation and these motors will not move.